East Bay Science

making science accessible, touchable, and fun

East Bay Science

East Bay Science provides free museum quality science nights to schools in central Alameda county. 

East Bay Science is a retirement project for Charlie Reynes, a former science specialist, a 2007 California Teacher of the Year, and a recipient of the 2008 Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Science Teaching.   His goal is to help schools build community through science. 

Here's what you get for almost nothing: 

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year.  Complete this Registration Form to have your school placed on the list.   You will have two choices, Fall '24 or Spring '25.  I will reach out to the Fall schools with available dates by the end of May.  Spring Schools will be scheduled in early fall.  

East Bay Science Facebook Group  Members will receive early access to registration for science nights and all other events sponsored by EBS. Most importantly, you will be part of a small group of dedicated science educators working to improve their craft and bring hands-on science to students in the East Bay.  

Click here to join the East Bay Science FB Group.

A Look Inside a Science Night?  


Contact Charles Reynes at csreynes@gmail.com to  get more information on how East Bay Science can help your school make science accessible, touchable, and fun.